2024-05-05 8:29:15

Accessing Support

The fkaCS Cultural Inclusion Support Program is available to all Victorian Education and Care Services and can be accessed in a variety of ways, either as funded programs or on a fee-for-service basis.

Inclusion Support Programme (ISP)

Australian Government Approved Education and Care Services can apply for Innovative Solutions Funding from the Inclusion Development Fund (IDF) Manager to purchase support as part of the Inclusion Support Programme (ISP). This funding can be used to cover the costs of Cultural Inclusion Support. fkaCS can provide a quote for services based on the barriers to inclusion for CALD children and families as identified in your Strategic Inclusion Plan (SIP).


School Readiness Program

Eligible Victorian Kindergartens in receipt of School Readiness Funding have access to a broad range of support as described in the Victorian Department of Education and Training Menu of Evidence, which sits alongside the Victorian Kindergarten Cultural Inclusion Program. This program affords us the opportunity to work alongside Kindergartens to design a program of work that will support their needs and those of the children and families in their community.

Cultural Inclusion Support for Supported Playgroups
fkaCS can provide home language support for Victorian Playgroups. We have a pool of Bilingual Workers in a range of locations across Victoria, speaking languages other than English that are common within the community. Bilingual Workers can assist Playgroup Facilitators who do not have a shared language with families attending the service to effectively communicate and engage in the playgroup.

> Download the Playgroup Cultural Inclusion (Language) Support Request Form


Fee-for-Service Support

fkaCS support and consultancy is available on a fee-for-service basis for services not eligible under the above programs. Fee-for-service support helps deepen educators' capacity in the provision of culturally competent pedagogy and the ability to engage meaningfully with children and families for whom there is no shared language. Support options include Cultural Inclusion Support Consultancy, Bilingual Worker visits to your service as well as phone support, targeted strategies and resources.


See our Info Sheet: fkaCS Cultural Inclusion Support for more information.